ten best indonesian of old technology

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Ancient Technology Sophisticated Nation Indonesia - In ancient times, our ancestors have found a lot of discovery is fairly advanced.
But unfortunately many Indonesian people do not realize it. This time Indonesiatop.blogspot will write some ancient technology ancestors Indonesia.

1. Borobudur: evidence of sophistication of technology and architecture

Borobudur temple is expected to begin to be built around 824 AD by the king of Mataram dynasty named Samaratungga of dynasty. Borobudur temple is very magnificent.

Can not imagine how our ancestors who built Borobudur so heavy can stand firm with hundreds of nails without the need to nail down the earth to strengthen its foundation, unimaginable how the stones that make up the Borobudur was formed and transported to the construction area on the hill.
Even with the sophistication that exist today, it is difficult to build a temple that is able to match the Borobudur temple. Borobudur also adopted the concept of Fractals.
Fractals are geometric shapes that have elements similar to the overall shape.
Borobudur temple itself is a giant stupa in which consists of other stupas smaller. Continued to infinity. It's amazing our ancestors already had such knowledge. Borobudur Temple building truly remarkable building.

2. Jung ship Java: Technology giant ship

Long before Zheng He and Columbus, the explorers had crossed the ocean archipelago third of the globe. Despite 500 years BC the Chinese people have developed various types of vessels in various sizes, up to a very small role of the seventh century Chinese ships in the cruise the high seas.
In the records of the religious journey I-Tsing (671-695 AD) from Canton to Nalanda University in South India mentioned that he used the Sriwijaya ship, a country when it controls shipping traffic in the "South Sea".
Portuguese sailors who explored the oceans in the mid-16th century, Diego de Couto in the book Da Asia, published in 1645 mentions, the Javanese first sailed to the Cape of Good Hope, Africa, and Madagascar.

He found the Cape of Good Hope residents early 16th-century brown-skinned like the Javanese. 'They claimed descent from Java, "said Couto, Anthony Reid was quoted as saying in the book History of Early Modern Southeast Asia.

Based on the reliefs at Borobudur ship proved that long ago our ancestors had mastered the technique of shipbuilding. Borobudur ship has played a major role in everything in the Java language cruise, for hundreds of hundred years before the 13th century.

Entering the early eighth century, Borobudur ship is shifted by Jung of Java, with three or four screens as Jung. The word 'Jung' was first used in the course of monks Odrico journals, Jonhan de Marignolli, and Ibn Battuta sailed into the archipelago, the beginning of the 14th century.
They praise the greatness of the ship as a giant Javanese rulers of Southeast Asian seas. Jung-making technology not much different from the work of the Borobudur ship; entire hull was built without using nails.

Mentioned, jung Archipelago has four masts, made of four layered board and able to withstand cannon fire Portuguese ships.

Jung weights average about 600 tons, exceeding the Portuguese warships. Jung bulk of the kingdom of Demak weight reached 1,000 tons are used as troop carriers to attack the fleet of the Portuguese archipelago in Malacca in 1513. That said, this archipelago junks juxtaposed with the mother ship in this modern era.

3. Keris: metal forging technological sophistication

Metal technology has long been developing since the beginning of AD in the archipelago. The masters are familiar with a variety of quality metal hardness. Keris has an iron forging technology is remarkable for the size of the community in the past.

Kris made by forging techniques, not casted. Accompanied by folding of forging techniques useful for finding purity iron, which at the time materials are composites of iron with other natural materials.

Keris is originally from sheet metal folded up sometimes up to a thousand times fold is likely to remain worth a process that is unique, interesting and difficult. Technological developments are able to create a wrought-wrought technique Tosan Aji (Tosan = iron, Aji = valuable).

The selection will be stone meteorites that contain titanium as a material element of the keris, is also a discovery of our wonderful ancestors. Titanium is better known as the best material to make the dagger because it is lightweight but very strong.

The difficulty in making kris of titanium material is a melting point of which reached 60 thousand degrees centigrade, far from the melting point of iron, steel or nickel in the range of 10 thousand degrees Celsius.

Titanium appears to have many advantages over other types of metal elements. The element titanium is hard, strong, lightweight, heat resistant, and also resistant to rust.

The new titanium metallic element metallic element found as an independent in the years around 1940, and metals which exceed the hardness of steel but much lighter than iron. In today's modern civilization, the titanium used to make coatings nose spacecraft, as well as the tip of the rocket and intercontinental missiles.

4. Buton Keraton Fortress: The architecture for the defense

In Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, there is the Citadel which was built on a hill covering an area of ​​approximately 20.7 hectares. The fortress is the former capital of the Sultanate of Buton has a fairly unique form of architecture, made of limestone.

Ring-shaped fort has a circumference of 2740 meters long. The fort has 12 gates and 16 guard posts / bastion (bastion), which in local language called baluara.

Each gate (lawa) and escorted baluara 4-6 cannons. The number of cannon all 52 pieces. In the right corner of the south there are godana-Oba (powder magazine) and warehouse bullet on the left.

Located on a hilltop high enough with a fairly steep slope allows this as a place where the best defense in his day. This shows how great fort builder of our fathers in making building technologies for the defense.

5. Gale's Gale: Traditional Robot Technology Nusantara

Toba Batak people of Sumatra north of old can already make a traditional robot, known as the Gale-gale. This doll master the complex system of ropes that are made in such a way. Through this stretching the rope pulled the doll can bend and move the "hand" as to which people like to dance.

According to the story, A King of the Karo tribe in Samosir makes sculptures out of wood to the memory of her only son who died. Wood sculpture can be danced driven by several people. Sigale - Gale played to the accompaniment of traditional Batak music.

The dolls are one-half meter height is given the Batak traditional costumes. In fact, all his movements that emerged during the show to create the impressions of the human model examples.

His head can be rotated to the right and left side, eye and tongue can move, hands move like human hands are dancing and can reduce lower body such as squats time dancing.

The gale-gale is proof that our ancestors had to make a mechanical doll or robot, although in a simple form. The robot is created to be able to imitate human movement.

6. Pengindelan Tasikardi Lake, WA: Water Penjernihan Technology Sophistication

Our ancestors were already developing clean water filtration technology. Around the 17th century the Sultanate of Banten ke16've built building water purifier to filter water from the reservoir into the palace Surosowan Tasikardi.

Penjernihannya process quite advanced. Before getting into Surosowan, dirty and muddy water of Tasik Ardi channeled and filtered through three buildings named Pengindelan White, Brother, and Gold.

Pengindelan In each case, water is processed with the precipitate and filter out impurities. The water then flows into Surosowan through a series of long pipes made of clay with a diameter of approximately 40 cm.

Seen that at that time was able to master the murky water treatment technologies into the water unfit for use.

Tasik Ardi lake itself is an artificial lake. For historical sites, the existence of this lake are evidence of the Sultanate of Banten glories of civilization in the past.

To measure time, create reservoirs or artificial lakes to irrigate agricultural land and meet the needs of water supply for residents is a brilliant breakthrough.

7. Karinding: pest repellent technology with sound waves

Apparently ancestors and our ancestors have a traditional wind instrument which serves as entertainment as well as pest repellent.

Musical instruments from Sunda is made of bamboo bark kawung or a 20 x 1 cm is cut into three parts, namely the release of the needle where the tone (called cecet ucing or cats), limiting the needle, and the tip of the so-called panenggeul (bat).

If the panenggeul beaten, then the needle will vibrate and when sealed into the oral cavity, it will produce a distinctive sound.

This tool not only to entertain but also it serves repel pests in the garden or on the farm. The sound produced by Karinding sustained a low-decibel wave of painful pests so they stay away from the farm.

Frequency sound to be emitted by the instrument is painful for the pest, or can be said to exceed the sound frequency of sound frequency range of the pest, so that pests will be panic and impaired concentration.

Sophistication Karinding as evidence that our ancestors had always been able to create tools that generate sound waves. It is a tool repel pests that are safe for the environment. It takes careful calculation to create a musical instrument like that.

8. Tower House: Architecture Earthquake Safe House

The ancestors of the Minang turns futuristic minded aka far advanced beyond its time in building a house. Gadang home construction was already designed to withstand an earthquake strikes.

Houses in West Sumatra gadang prove toughness engineered construction that has a flexible power and solidity during earthquake shocks up to magnitude 8 on the Richter scale.

Gadang home form makes Tower House remains stable received shocks from the earth. Vibrations that come from the land towards building distributed to all buildings.

Houses gadang not use nails as a binder, but a peg as a connection to the building has a trait very flexible.

Besides the foot or the bottom of the pole building was never touched the earth or ground. Tread with a stone pillar dialas password.

This stone serves as a vibration damping waves from the ground, so it does not affect the buildings on it. If there was an earthquake vibrations, Tower House will just swing or sway to the vibration wave generated

Darmansyah, construction experts from the Institute of Natural Disaster Management, said West Sumatra, from the science of home building construction gadang far more advanced at least 300 years compared to the existing construction in the world in his day.

9. Tempe: Utilization of biotechnology for food

Tempe is the result of a typical simple biotechnology Indonesia. Ancestors of Indonesia has been using Rhizopus to make tempeh from soybeans. All of this is the use of microbes or microorganisms at the cellular level for food purposes.

Actually cultivate soybeans with yeast also conducted in other countries such as China, Japan, India, etc.. But using Rhizopus only in Indonesia. So the ability to make soy tempeh is the discovery of Indonesia.

Tempe has been known since many centuries ago in the archipelago. In chapter 3 and chapter 12 manuscripts Fiber Centhini with Java setting the 16th century has found the word 'tempeh'.

Now, tempeh has penetrated foreign countries, not only because of the taste and aroma, but also because of its nutrient content. The discovery of tempeh is a contribution to the art of our ancestors cooked world.

10. Pranata Prey: System evidence dating season brilliance of our ancestors astronomy

As with other cultures in the world, indigenous peoples Indonesia has long been concerned with the sky. Sky observations used in agriculture and shipping.

Pranatamangsa known in the Java community, which is forecasting the season based on the phenomena of nature, and is generally associated with the layout of the stars in the sky.

According Daldjoeni in his book 'The dating of Agriculture Java Pranata Prey', Pranata prey belonging brilliant invention. Complexity is not less weight than those found dating system of Ancient Egypt, China, Maya, and Burma. The more so when compared with American-style model Farming Almanac, Pranata prey far more advanced.

Although technology is increasingly sophisticated, as now, the application of the calculation order of prey are still relevant. That's because our ancestors used to study the phenomena of nature such as the rainy season / dry season flowering plants / fruit, the position of constellations, the influence of full moon, and so on. By studying the phenomena of nature that our ancestors can better appreciate the preservation of nature.

Actually there are many technologies used our ancestors are not listed here.

From the findings it actually has always been able to master the Indonesian nation in the era of advanced technology it is inappropriate is when we boast as the present generation if we do not value and appreciate our ancestors.

Our ancestors have built temples are very beautiful architecture and survived hundreds of years.

Our ancestors also built a fleet that has sailed the vast ocean.

Our ancestors also had to find objects it is very simple but a lot of benefits.

That's all the proof that our ancestors are very intelligent. which has made us weaker and less confident. Therefore, after becoming an independent nation we should be able to get back up to align themselves with other nations that have been advanced.

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